Discover Warsaw Film School Online – innovative, fully distance studies, accessible for English speaking audience from all over the world!
Our Universal Filmmaker Programme is prepared directly to equip you with both the comprehensive knowledge and the practical skills! This perfect mix is everything you need to succeed in the film and television industries!
Today we would like to present to you our curriculum!
Get to know the classes you will be attending:
I Year
- First Steps With A Camera
- Introduction To Film Directing
- Language Of Film And Visualisation
- Basic Film Exercises And Technical Film Exercises
- Short Film
- Introduction To Cinematography
- Introduction To Light In Film
- The Basics Of Sound Recording On Film Set
- First Steps In Film Editing
- Basic Postproduction Workflow
- Introduction To Screenwriting
- Intro to Film Production
- Script Development
- Development Of Student’s Film
- Chosen Aspects Of Film Analysis / History Of Film
II Year
- Film Directing Analysis & Exercises
- Staging Film Exercises
- Documentary Film Workshop
- Cinematography Workshop
- Light In Film Workshop
- Script Development
- Development Of Student’s Film
- Chosen Aspects Of Film Analysis / History Of Film
- History Of Art
III Year
- Development Of Student’s Graduation Film
- Director-Actor Cooperation
- Sound In Film
- Cinematography Workshop
- Colour Grading
- Copyright Law
- Chosen Aspects Of Film Analysis / History Of Film
- Modern Art
These three years of solid training will put you on the right path to your dream career!
After the course:
- Studentsts will be able to use film language consciously, using their own techniques and tools, in search of their own art language. They will be familiar with the use of different types of shots and camera movements as well as framing for a given dramatic effect. They will be able to use various narration modes for feature as well as documentary works.
- They will know how to work with a script, how to approach castings and rehearsals and how to set tasks for the actor. They will perform a number of practical film exercises and they will develop their own film during each year of study.
- Students will know the key points of screenwriting theory and they will explore different aspects of screenwriting in search of their own ideas. They will participate in a creative process culminating in a final draft of their own screenplay.
- They will learn screenplay interpretation in relation to the blocking of actors within a scene. They will understand the value of storyboard as an graphic form of the script and be able to use it as a medium of communicating their artistic vision with other members of the crew.
- Students will learn to perceive the light as a way of creating the space and shaping the story. They will be able to understand and perform various light and camera setups. They will be familiar with various effects and light conventions, in different ambient conditions, in a studio as well as outdoors.
- They will know the role of film editing and they will learn how to direct and assemble footage for gaining the maximum emotional effect and finding the right tempo and rhythm for a given emotion. They will know the key creative disciplines in film with overview of roles and responsibilities in the various stages of production.
- They will be familiar with the most important topics and tendencies in the history of the cinema. They will understand and appreciate art with its development over time and its role within different cultures and societies

Trust our qualified staff, 18 years of experience and 2 Oscar nominations along the way!
Only 10 minutes separate you from becoming a student of our school!
Application form is now open!
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Discover Universal Filmmaker Programme - an innovative, fully distance online studies accessible for English speaking audience from all over the world.

Discover Warsaw Film School Online – innovative, fully distance studies, accessible for English speaking audience from all over the world!